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Kisaan-Mazdoor Ekta Zindabad
Long Live Farmer-Labor Unity

Collectively documenting and analyzing the largest protest in human history.



Minimum Support Price
The impact the Three Farm Bills will have across India can be extrapolated from the current state of Minimum Support Price (MSP). "The MSP is a minimum price guarantee that acts as a safety net or insurance for farmers when they sell particular crops. These crops are procured by government agencies at a promised price to farmers and the MSP cannot be altered in any given situation. The concept of MSP, therefore, protects the farmers in the country in situations where crop prices fall drastically." The Three Farm Bills each undermine existing social safety nets, which despite deep flaws, are funamental to how India's agriculturalists make their living.

Farmer Awareness of Minimum Support Price for Kharif (monsoon season) and Rabi (post-monsoon season) crops Source



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India District Protests

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